Through the Sea Garden


These sunlit shallows are a journey of discovery in a real enchanted world of magic. A shimmering, dancing garden exists below the surface, gently moving with the tides. The sway of the seaweed uncovers treasures hidden, but when you catch a glimpse, your heart beats a little faster at the discovery of natures wonders. Shells in all shapes and bright colours, each a precious gift layered with soft sand, resting on the sea floor. The gentle brush of a hand is enough to move the empty urchin, who still holds a colour so deep & rich. The coral is intricate, yet hard, illuminated in amongst the graceful swirling weeds, rising like spires of a kingdom with the most beautiful blooms, the sea garden is a place where time stands still and the calm water washes away weary thoughts for those who journey through.

Synthetic Polymer Paints on Canvas

Pricing excludes freight or postage insurance. We use Pack & Send for all original pieces.

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